The Number One Cause of Hearing Loss

Q: What is the number one cause of hearing loss?
A: The number one most common cause of people losing their hearing is exposure to hazardous noise. Of all the causes for hearing loss, this is probably the only one that is preventable as well. Exposure to loud noises includes many routine activities, including mowing the lawn or blowing leaves, attending concerts, hunting, driving motorcycles, working in noisy environments, and even listening to loud music through your headphones. If you want to continue these activities and not have them cause you to lose your hearing, you need to wear proper hearing protection. Peachtree Hearing offers a wide range of custom services for protecting your hearing. Whether you are a musician, an athlete, or just looking to protect your children’s hearing, we work with a number of different manufacturers to provide custom-fit solutions.

Dr. Melissa Wikoff, Director of Audiology- Peachtree Hearing