DAY 9 OF FITNESS – Full Body Megaformer at Stellar Bodies Buckhead

By Halen Adair

Name of fitness facility
Stellar Bodies Buckhead
Name and length of class
Full Body Megaformer – 50 minutes
Name of instructor
Amy Selig
What do attendees need to know before class starts?
You will want to arrive about five minutes before class starts to put your things in a cubby, pick up a towel, and find a Megaformer. For classes at Stellar Bodies, you will need to have grip socks. If you don’t have any, they have some super cute ones for sale at the front desk. The studio is located in Buckhead Court, which has a huge parking lot with complimentary parking.
How would you describe this workout? How does it compare to similar classes you’ve taken?
This was my first experience using a Megaformer and let me tell you, it’s hard. This class is probably the most challenging class I’ve done so far. I noticed that the girls who go to it are very fit. They may not have started there fit, but they certainly are now and I know why. The Megaformer has so many different variations of workouts and the ones we did today were all equally challenging. Amy, who is also the co-owner, made sure everyone took their time in each phase of the workout to make sure our bodies were burning and shaking. Luckily, Amy was there to help me correct my form and guide me during class. This type of workout is something that will be very challenging, especially the first couple of times, but after a few classes and becoming more familiar with the machine and the poses, it will become very rewarding and you will see huge results.
What muscle groups did this class work the most? Was it a great workout for your abs, butt, arms, etc.?
The Full Body Megaformer class really does target the whole body. You use small, slow and controlled movements to target different muscle groups. Throughout the entire workout, you test your strength and coordination by using your core.
Did the instructor do anything to make the class extra special?
Amy made sure that I was keeping up with the class the whole way through. She even had another Stellar Body instructor, Taylor, come to the Megaformer next to mine to ensure I had the best example to observe. The class was very challenging but thanks to the help from both Stellar Body instructors, I made it to the end feeling extremely accomplished! The level of the music was very upbeat, which I LOVED and the songs were all great pop hits, which helped me focus less on my body aching and more on vibing with the music!
How did you feel before, during, and after the workout?
Before I started the workout, I had heard from others that this class would be challenging. This made me a little nervous especially because of my lack of experience but I was greeted with open arms and welcomed into class. During the workout, my body was shaking A LOT. You use so much of your core while moving your body weight back and forth on the Megaformer that it really takes a toll on you. We completed many variations throughout the workout to target upper body, lower body and abs. During the workout, I hit areas, especially my obliques, that I didn’t even realize I could hit. Even though it was tough, the workout as a whole is so rewarding and so good for the body.

What was the most enjoyable part of the workout?
My favorite part about the workout was using the Megaformer. Even though it’s difficult, there is a lot to learn about this machine. I know after a few tries the machine will be less intimidating for me to use. Overall, it’s just a great tool to utilize. Even just during this class, I started to get the hang of how it works. I can’t wait to go back and keep broadening my experience.
Any other feedback you’d like to give about the Full Body Megaformer workout?
I know I keep saying this class is tough but that’s because it is. I know for sure though, that you will get into the best shape of your life if you continue with classes at Stellar Bodies. The facility is so wonderful—they have state-of-the-art equipment and the coolest instructors. Plus, they have a HUGE selection of the cutest clothing there. I encourage you to go get your sweat—and shop—on! Your first class is only $10 so reserve a spot at Stellar Bodies NOW!
Details: 3872 Roswell Rd. NE., Ste. A4, Atlanta;