DAY 10 OF FITNESS – 9Round Fitness Decatur

By David Leonard

Name of fitness facility
9Round Fitness Decatur
Name and length of class
Circuit Training Workout – 30 minutes
Name of instructor
Kanesha Britt
What do attendees need to know before class starts?
There are no class times so you just show up on your own schedule to begin your circuit. A new circuit starts every three minutes so just hop in when the green light goes on! Make sure to bring tennis shoes and a water bottle, you will sweat a lot!
How would you describe this workout? How does it compare to similar classes you’ve taken?
Very intense. It’s almost like a roller coaster. Once that lap bar is in place, it was 30 minutes of nonstop movement. I’ve never boxed in my life and really enjoyed this type of work out.

What muscle groups did this class work the most? Was it a great workout for your abs, butt, arms, etc.?
My arms and abs are going to be feeling this, and of course my legs from the kicks I was doing, which were A LOT of fun. I kept telling myself that I could punch and kick harder—and then I did—that was very rewarding!
Did the instructor do anything to make the class extra special?
Kanesha, the owner, changes the workouts every time you go so clients never get bored. You will always be challenged. no matter what the circuit is. Kanesha will demonstrate each station for you to ensure you get the most out of your workout!
How did you feel before, during, and after the workout?
I was frustrated prior to the class. During the class, I was just in it. I was out of my comfort zone, so I just focused on the present. I used my frustration to push me harder, which helped me make the most out of that 30 minutes. Post workout, I felt amazing! I really enjoyed walking out into 30-degree weather to cool off.

What was the most enjoyable part of the workout?
My favorite part of the workout was getting to wear boxing gloves and punching all the different bags. As I stated before, I’ve never done this. So now I can check that off the bucket list! I really enjoyed being able to push myself harder and the equipment could easily take the punches!
Any other feedback you’d like to give about the Circuit Training workout?
It is a circuit workout and you don’t need a scheduled class time. All you need to do is jump in where you can and GO! The fact that the class was just 30 minutes was awesome. It was just the workout I needed to get my day off to a great start.
Details: 2899-B N. Decatur Rd., Decatur;
Follow along with the rest of our 30 Days of Fitness Classes here.