DAY 6 OF FITNESS – TR45 Watermark Challenge at Total Row Fitness

By Halen Adair
Name of fitness facility
Total Row Fitness

Name and length of class
TR45 Watermark Challenge – 45 Minutes
Name of instructor
Courtney Stone
What do attendees need to know before class starts?
Make sure to arrive 5 minutes prior to class to find your row station. It will also be helpful to arrive early so you can listen to the overview of the schedule for the next 45 minutes.
How would you describe this workout? How does it compare to similar classes you’ve taken?
This workout is so much fun. Even though it was challenging, I found myself loving it all the way through. The watermark row machines are great because you get to push your body using 60% of your legs’ power, 20% of your core, and 20% of your upper body. But trust me when I tell you, you’ll be feeling burn, 100% of the workout. Tuesday was their “Upper Body” workout day, so after we completed our time on our row, we utilized a TRX Suspension system, used kettlebells for overhead presses and bicep curls, and also did different plank variations. This was my first time using a watermark row machine and our instructor Courtney was super helpful and motivating.
What muscle groups did this class work the most? Was it a great workout for your abs, butt, arms, etc.?
This workout targets your entire body working 90% of your muscles on every stroke. Since Tuesday was their “Upper Body” focus, we definitely worked extra hard on toning up that area.

Did the instructor do anything to make the class extra special?
Courtney showed me how to position my legs correctly on the machine and went over how to work the machine’s screens we used throughout the workout. She had a great music selection, mostly rap hits that kept me smiling and singing along all the way to the end. Near the end of the class, we did some great stretching on the machines and finished the class with Courtney passing Lavender infused cold towelettes. Everyone at the studio was so friendly and cheered each other on to keep going, especially when we were doing our plank challenge.
How did you feel before, during, and after the workout?
Before I started the workout, I was feeling pretty sluggish from the long work day. Thankfully, Courtney’s energy completely changed my outlook and after 5 minutes from walking in, I was ready to row! During the workout, the rowing felt kind of strange because it was something I had never done before. Courtney corrected my form and after a few minutes, I was rowing like a champ! I loved that the workout had you move on and off the machine so you could focus on different parts of your body. The workout never got boring or repetitive and it was really fun to be able to monitor challenging myself using the screens on the machine.
What was the most enjoyable part of the workout?
My favorite part about the TR45 Watermark Challenge class is the actual challenge. This workout by no means is easy, but because of the layout it remains fresh and exciting the whole way through. Courtney’s energy and music playlist was also one of my favorite parts of the evening. I swear I haven’t smiled this much EVER while dripping in sweat.

Any other feedback you’d like to give about the TR45 Watermark Challenge workout?
Total Row Fitness welcomes everyone into their intimate studio space. From their great, ever-changing workout classes to their state-of-the-art rowing machines, I would absolutely recommend anyone who lives in the Buckhead area to check this place out. You won’t ever want to leave!
Details: 3655 Roswell Rd #204, Atlanta, GA 30342;
Follow along with the rest of our 30 Days of Fitness Classes here.