How Hormone Therapy Can Help You Shed Perimenopause Pounds
Q: Have Gained Weight With Perimenopause/ Menopause. Can Hormone Therapy Help Me Get It Off?
A: Weight gain for women as their hormones fail is a complicated and common issue. The loss of hormones leads to complicated metabolic changes that can make weight gain inevitable and hard to fight. However, by doing a thorough assessment of hormonal status, personal and family health history, and lifestyle habits we do, with time and effort, help many of our patients regain their healthier size and body composition.
It’s not hopeless, we are here to help. Vital Living Healthcare—Atlanta’s “hormone whisperers.” Call today for your complimentary meeting with Dr. Paul E. Cox and Jordan Carney, FNP.
Paul E. Cox, MD, MS, Vital Living Healthcare
Contact 404.843.3636