DAY 4 OF FITNESS – Intro to Aerial Dance at SkyGym

By Wyndi Kappes

Name of fitness facility
Sky Gym
Name and length of class
Intro to Aerial Dance / 1 Hour
Name of instructor
Amber Monson
What do attendees need to know before class starts?
The area around the gym has ample parking so just arrive 10 minutes or so before your first class begins to fill out a waiver. I would also suggest wearing a close-fitting shirt and leggings so you don’t have to worry about adjusting your garments during inversions.
How would you describe this workout? How does it compare to similar classes you’ve taken?
The best part about this workout is that it doesn’t feel like a workout at all! With all the fun you can have swinging on the different apparatuses, it feels more like you are a kid playing at the circus rather than an adult doing a hardcore workout. I have been to an intro aerial class before and only learned a few intro moves on the long aerial silks. I loved that Amber took the time to walk us through not just the silks but three other apparatuses (aerial sling, trapeze, and lyra) as well. To get a taste of what this was like watch the video below where she briefly describes each.
The class overall consisted of five stages where we stretched, learned technique, practiced honing our grip and hold, swinging and executing moves, and finally using the aerial silks to flip upside down!
What was the hardest part of the workout?
Having to consistently balance while executing moves on the different apparatuses engages every part of your body. The isometric workout is very challenging and technique focused. I found it difficult gaining the grip, core, and arm strength necessary to stay lifted on the apparatus. This is definitely something you would build up to as you went along.

What was the most enjoyable part of the workout?
My favorite part of the workout was the last part when we went through inversions. This part let my arms take a break for a second and I had a blast flipping upside down and just hanging there!
Any other feedback you’d like to give about the Intro to Aerial Dance workout?
I would say to go into this workout with an attitude looking to have a lot of fun. Because of my lack of core and arm strength, I couldn’t execute all the moves perfectly but Amber did a great job of encouraging me and providing fun moves that were within my limits. It was exciting to think of all I could accomplish with a little practice toning my core and arm muscles. Watch below for a preview from Amber as to what higher level moves you can advance towards!
Amber Monson previews a routine
Details: 6780 Roswell Rd. NE., Ste. D100, Sandy Springs, GA 30328;
Follow along with the rest of our 30 Days of Fitness Classes here.