Day 23 of Fitness- STRONG at Westside Yoga

By Wyndi Kappes

Name of fitness facility
Westside Yoga
Name and length of class
STRONG – 1 hour
Name of instructor
Amber Barry
What do attendees need to know before class starts?
There is plenty of parking in front of the studio just make sure to arrive at least 10 minutes to check in and claim your spot in the class. Classes start promptly at the time listed so make sure not to be late! If you forgot your mat, no worries. You can rent a mat the first time for free and for just $2 each time after that!
How would you describe this workout? How does it compare to similar classes you’ve taken?
This yoga class had many of the elements you can find in other yoga classes but with specific details put in place to take the experience over the top. To start off with I loved that the room was heated but not hot. Unlike hot yoga which can sometimes be overwhelming, in warm yoga, the room is heated to 85-87 degrees, a happy medium where you are less prone to injury but still comfortable.
Another part of this practice that I loved is that Amber and the other attendees didn’t take themselves too seriously. Amber encouraged everyone to have fun with their practice to try different variations and poses without of fear of getting it wrong or looking funny. This really allowed myself and other attendees to open up and try new things.

What muscle groups did this class work the most? Was it a great workout for your abs, butt, arms, etc.?
This was a full body class we took equal time to work our legs, arms, and core! Because it was the STRONG class we took extra time to go through different moves that strengthened our muscles. Holding poses longer and engaging our mind with what muscle groups we were working. This was definitely a calorie burner!
Did the instructor do anything to make the class extra special?
Amber was an amazing instructor! She was super sweet and knowledgeable from the moment I walked in the door. She took one look at my mat and could tell that I often had a problem slipping especially in warm/hot yoga classes. She quickly exchanged my mat for one of the studio’s mats and I must say the new mat made all the difference in my practice, keeping me from slipping and sliding while holding poses.

Throughout the class, Amber also took the time to explain different variations in each pose and help individuals find something that best suited him or her. There were several variations on typical poses that I didn’t even know about and enjoyed trying to branch out and do something more.
What was the most enjoyable part of the workout?
My favorite part of the class was about midway through where we really got into the rhythm of going through different asanas and stretching into new poses with ease. I was amazed midway through how much deeper I could get into my stretch than at the beginning of class. I also really liked the end where we played with different seated poses and my co-worker Caroline was even able to get into a complicated bind! It was amazing where our bodies were able to go by the end of class.
Any other feedback you’d like to give about the STRONG workout?

The motto of Westside Yoga is “Find Your Happy Place” and that is something that is incredibly easy to do here. Not only are Amber, the instructors, and the participants all so warm, open, and calm there is a sense of play at Westside Yoga that you don’t find at many other studios. The idea that yoga can not only be an amazing source of fitness but also a place where you can let loose and play is refreshing and encouraging.
Details: 857 Collier Rd. NW., Ste. 22, Atlanta;