Manage Your Wealth and Financial Health with the Help of Financial Innovations, LLC

Whether saving for retirement or managing day-to-day expenses, the team at Financial Innovations, LLC makes achieving monetary goals a reality.
For Laura K. Schilling, J.D., CPA, CFPTM, CSA®, CFF® financial planning helps her combine a lifetime love of helping others with her knack for crunching numbers. In fact, it’s the precise formula that inspired her to establish Financial Innovations, LLC in 2003; and from there, she has spent 16 years shaping a successful rm that helps men and women with wealth management, taxes, savings plans, retirement, and more.
“Most of my clients over 40 want a road map,” says Schilling. “They want to see if they are saving enough, how much they need to [be saving], and how much they must earn on their investments to achieve their financial goals.”
Whether those goals include retirement, paying for the college educations of their children, buying a second home, quitting a day job to go after their dream job, or something else, Schilling and her team help make the midlife chapter something realistic and attainable. Her team answers common questions like, “Can I retire early?” “Are my investments working hard enough?” “What makes for a sound estate strategy?” They have up-to-date knowledge of investing trends, such as high-risk, high-reward stocks from Brazil, Russia, India, and China (often referred to as BRIC countries in economics), which possess the world’s largest populations and an increasing presence in global markets. They also have knowledge of frontier stocks, an even newer trend from developing economies with less established markets. Whatever a client’s investing style, Schilling’s team works constantly to review if their investments are working efficiently.

That happens through teamwork—Financial Innovations’ foundation for answering questions and putting a client’s mind at ease when it comes to his or her money. Teamwork brings a broader perspective into everything they do, combining a common compassion for others with varied backgrounds extending beyond finance, multiple certifications in the industry, and decades of experience. The result is increased benefits for clients and specialized plans designed to address each individual’s situation.
“Our clients say we give them confidence,” says Schilling. “The biggest compliment is when they think of me as family, or that because of us, they can sleep at night.” And that statement is a testament to the blend of personal and professional guidance Schilling has been passionate about her entire life. |
Securities offered through Triad Advisors, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Financial Innovations, LLC. Financial Innovations, LLC is not affiliated with Triad Advisors, LLC. Atlanta Best Self Magazine’s Over 40 & Fabulous Advisory Board is a group of dynamic men and women who take care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. This advisory board position provides education on financial wellness for readers. Board members pay a fee to participate. The membership is not indicative of the investment advisor’s future performance.