Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Dangerous?
Q: Why does my doctor tell me that HRT is dangerous?
A: Many people come to my office interested in HRT who have questions about the danger of HRT for men and women because they have heard from their doctor that it may be dangerous. In fact, there have only been a few studies among hundreds that have suggested dangerous outcomes when HRT is used.
These studies either apply to certain types of HRT, such as the use of the drug “Prempro” in women or studies based on analysis of other studies. If you look at the predominance of the literature, HRT for both men and women is safe and effective. So, if you want the real story about HRT and what it can do for you, come see us at Vital Living Healthcare. Find out how balancing your hormones can enhance your life today.
Paul E. Cox, M.D., MS
Vital Living Healthcare
Contact 404.843.3636