How to Know When It’s Time for a Change (and How to Embrace It)

By: India Leigh
We know the only constant in life is change, and yet we always have the same tumultuous crave-fear relationship with it. The soul part of us longs for change and calls it in, while the mind does everything it can to deny change and create a predictable environment of comfort and stability. We even invent countless alternative ways to experience the exhilaration that change and expansion naturally bring while remaining safely tucked inside the realities our ego-selves have crafted so carefully.
While the cycles of our lives may allow us to stay in a particular situation without much change for years or even decades, once the lessons and gifts of those circumstances come to completion, it’s necessary to let go of the old and embrace the new in order to stay true to your authentic and highest expression of self. When we deny the need to make those changes and shifts, our ego-minds can help us cope with the discomfort of stifled growth by pushing us into behaviors and choices that can be destructive at their worst or, at minimum, not loving to ourselves.
Here are a few tips for recognizing when it’s time for change to happen and letting it flow into your life: Take a truthful look at the parts of your life that no longer feel good to you. It’s astounding how much of our treasured time and energy we pour into things, people and situations all in the name of what we believe we should do. Any belief that has the word “should” in it is based on the conditional limitations of the mind and has nothing to do with the path of your soul. We have been conditioned from an early age to push through and tolerate situations long after they are in alignment with our path simply because it’s what has become expected of us. Simply releasing yourself from the bondage of the “shoulds” in your life will free up room for more of what is meant for you to come in.
Notice the cues and signs you’ve been receiving. It could be the pull of your heart in a certain direction, words that seem to come up in conversation all the time, or frustrations and setbacks that seem to be happening over and over again. Maybe you’ve felt unseen and unappreciated in your job for years, and now you’ve been passed over for a promotion you were just right for. Perhaps you thought you’d never move, but you keep finding yourself traveling back to a certain destination that has started to feel more like home than home does. Your intuition will come in many forms when it’s time for a change. All you have to do is pay attention to
the signs and follow them.
Then notice the stories of resistance and limitations that pop up in your mind—without choosing to buy into them. Each time you challenge or ignore a protest of the ego-mind to change, you will see more and more possibilities open up to lead you in your new direction. Say (out loud), “I’m ready.” Once you’re clear on the changes it’s time for in order for you to grow, it’s crucial that you let the Universe, your higher self and your own mind know that you are ready for it. The words alone won’t do it, however, so make sure they are packed with all of your true intention, belief and willingness to take a leap of faith and expand.
When you earnestly declare your openness and readiness to accept the changes that are coming, you’ll be amazed at the flow of power and exhilaration you’ll feel. All that’s left to do is watch and enjoy how it all unfolds for you. Spirit intuitive reader, clairvoyant and coach India Leigh empowers others to come into more connection with their own divine creative power, aligning their energy, thoughts, words and actions with their greatest good and highest purpose.
Details: Spirit intuitive reader, clairvoyant and coach India Leigh empowers others to come into more connection with their own divine creative power, aligning their energy, thoughts, words and actions with their greatest good and highest purpose.