How can I look and feel my best over 40?

Over 40 & Fabulous! Advisory Board Media/Community Ambassador: Tom Sullivan
Taking care of himself has always been a priority for TV host and corporate emcee Tom Sullivan. And now that he is over 40, he finds himself looking and feeling better than ever. Here’s his advice for being your best self at 40 and beyond.
What tricks of the trade do you utilize to be your best self?
Buckhead Elite Training Studio with Javarious Broxton keeps me in shape. Cryo Elite Therapy reduces whole-body inflammation and increases energy. The Nouveau Clinic keeps my skin in check.
What have you learned since turning 40?
I think as you get older you become wiser and more grounded. I’ve strengthened my faith and grown as a person. I now host and emcee corporate/charity events and freelance on “Atlanta & Company” on weekdays.
What advice would you give to someone about to turn 40 or who is already over 40?
Have a grateful heart and always trust your gut!