Dr. Emile C. Pinera: Healthcare Hero, Community Caretaker and 2021 Over 40 & Fab Top 10

Dr. Emile C. Pinera isn’t just passionate about living his best life, he has made it his mission to help others live positive, healthy lives, too. As a primary care doctor at Kaiser Permanente, the 40-year-old, first-generation American takes time to meet each patient where they are in their lives, listening to their needs and helping them break down barriers to being the best they can be. Outside of his daily investment in his patients, Emile goes above and beyond to serve diverse and disenfranchised communities, ensuring they get the care and representation they need.
How do you maintain that elusive work-life balance?
I wake up very early to focus on my fitness. This gives me time to fill my cup so I can give back to others for the rest of the day. I practice mindfulness when I speak to my family, myself, my patients and team members. There are numerous hats I wear at my medical group, including Physician Lead for Equity Inclusion and Diversity. This important work brings me joy and keeps me motivated because I know I’m helping positively impact our diverse workplace and the communities we serve. I try to live a mission-driven life in service to others while maintaining my health and well-being.
Who has been your biggest cheerleader over the years?
My husband, Dr. Edgar P. Simard, Ph.D., M.P.H. We have spent 19 years together, six of those married. We were one of the first same-sex weddings when the U.S. Supreme Court made it legal. We were surrounded by loved ones in NYC as we tied the knot.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community?
I love to empower the communities I serve with the medical information they need to achieve their best health. Every panel discussion, presentation or speaking engagement I’m invited to is an opportunity to positively impact people’s health on a bigger scale. I partner with diverse groups such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Black churches, LGBTQ+ organizations and more. In partnership with the leaders of these groups, we strategize what is the biggest impact my medical knowledge and insight can have on people so they can continue to be productive, happy and healthy.
What inspired you to do this particular kind of charity work?
My sense of purpose and mission is to serve others so that they are able to live their best life. A healthy person is a productive and loving person who can give back to their community and loved ones.
Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that you live by?
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha
www.instagram.com/doctor_ep, htttp://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org
Meet the rest of the 2021 Over 40 & Fabulous! Top 10 and Fab 4 here.