DAY 21 OF FITNESS – Express Sweat at The Sweat Shoppe

By Halen Adair
Name of fitness facility
The Sweat Shoppe
Name and length of class
Express Sweat – 45 mins
Name of instructor
Hailey Swartwout
What do attendees need to know before class starts?
Arrive about 10 minutes early to fill out paperwork. Make sure you have a water bottle and socks. They will provide cycling shoes at the front for you!
How would you describe this workout? How does it compare to similar classes you’ve taken?
This class was invigorating! I have a newfound passion for cycling in the heat, plus, a new respect for everyone who can do this daily. I have only done hot yoga, so trying infrared heat during a cycling class was different, and to me, more challenging. You start sweating within the first five minutes of class. During the whole class, Hailey would take us through different intervals on our bikes, targeting different muscles and challenging our endurance. We would vary between standing up and sitting down on the bikes often, and even did some tricep and bicep work while on the bike and cranked up our resistance. This class is similar to the type of intensity you’d find at most cycle studios, but at this one, you will sweat A LOT more than average due to the 80-84 degree room temperature.

What muscle groups did this class work the most? Was it a great workout for your abs, butt, arms, etc.?
This class is designed to be 45 minutes of cardio with some small, focused movements on your butt, triceps, and biceps. We did tricep push-ups and bicep push-ups throughout the class. You feel your hamstrings working to keep you level in your seat and your chest (pectorals) help you maintain the correct posture to ensure you’re breathing your best.
Did the instructor do anything to make the class extra special?
Hailey was so fun! Her music choices ranged from hip hop to pop hits and dance music. I loved listening to her encouraging words that helped us push all the way until the end of class. She would get off her bike and walk around to ensure everyone in the class had the correct form and was making the most of their cycling experience. She was very upbeat and never let us give up on ourselves.
What was the most enjoyable part of the workout?

This kind of workout is very challenging. The heat aspect of this class adds a whole different kind of experience than many other gyms. You are not only working out, but you’re detoxifying your body. The amount of sweat you release during this class is not only good for your muscles, but it’s also good for your blood. Hailey kept us focused on our breathing and explained the benefits of why it was so important. I loved listening to how passionate and knowledgeable she is about this class and health overall.
Any other feedback you’d like to give about the Express Sweat workout?
This is a workout you need to check out. I know hot cycling seems intimidating but this is the place to truly step outside of your comfort zone and find new strength within yourself. There is no doubt that after a trying this class a couple of times, you’ll fall in love with the trainers and facility. Plus, you’re body will feel AMAZING and rejuvenated after each time!
Details: 3393 Peachtree Rd., Ste. 2010A, Atlanta;
Follow along with the rest of our 30 Days of Fitness Classes here.