2014 Official Guide to the Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk & Fitness
16,000+ Runners/Walkers and 400+ Companies Enjoy Fun, Fitness & Company Camaraderie
Adjacent to Turner Field, Thursday, September 11, 6:30 p.m.
What is it?
Calling all runners, walkers and joggers! If you’re looking for a great way to stay in shape, build camaraderie with your co-workers and friends and be a part of the largest organized corporate fitness event in the Southeast, then you won’t want to miss out on the excitement planned for the 2014 Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk & Fitness Program. Directed by U.S. Olympian Jeff Galloway since 1983, this workplace-organized fitness program has become an annual tradition in the Atlanta business community. The event features a unique 8-week “Get Active Atlanta!” training program which is a great motivator in preparing for the race. This year’s 5K Corporate Run/Walk & Company Party takes place Thursday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Downtown Atlanta.
What’s included?
The free 8-week training program for registered participants includes:
• Walking and running training schedules from Jeff Galloway for beginner and veteran walkers and runners
• Ongoing weekday walks and runs with pace groups at Phidippides stores, Atlanta’s premier running specialty stores (Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. in Sandy Springs, and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Ansley Mall)
• Saturday morning running and walking training program with pace groups – Begins July 19, 7:30 a.m., Phidippides-Ansley Mall
• Kaiser Permanente Boot Camp, July 19 – August 23, Saturdays (limited to 500 participants)
• Fitness tips e-mailed weekly
• Discount coupons on fitness items and services
• Personalized wellness program by Your Wellness Room by ProActive Health Solutions, August 10 – September 10
• Complimentary workouts August 27 – September 10 at all Metro locations of LA Fitness
The Main Event: September 11
The program culminates in a giant celebration of fitness on Thursday, September 11, across from Turner Field, with a 5K (3.1 mile) run/walk that winds through the business district of Downtown Atlanta. The excitement begins with the popular Best Self Health & Fitness Expo, in which numerous companies exhibit their products and services. At the finish line, the festivities continue with commemorative T-shirts for all participants, team and candid photos, live music by The Rupert’s Orchestra and the awards ceremony. Company teams consisting of employees, family and friends gather under illuminated tents for hundreds of picnics, popularly known as the “World’s Largest Office Party.” Individuals who may not have a company team are encouraged to register and will have the option of purchasing a boxed dinner from Jason’s Deli at registration.
Run/Walk Details:
There will be separate, monitored start areas for elite runners, seeded runners, CEOs, runners/joggers and walkers. Seeded runners must include a qualifying event on the registration form, and elite category runners must submit official 2013 – 2014 documentation for qualifying times.
• Open Men – 6 minutes/mile
• Open Women – 7 minutes/mile
• Masters Men (40 +) – 6:15 minutes/mile
• Masters Women (40 +) – 7:15 minutes/mile
Awards will be given to the top Overall and Masters Men and Women, fastest team times, highest overall participation and the winner of the T-shirt design contest. CEO Cups will be awarded to the fastest male and female CEOs. The Kaiser Permanente Corporate Cup is presented to Atlanta’s “Most Fit” companies in four categories, including most improved company, based on the number of full-time employees. Participation awards also are given to companies in each of 38 industry categories.
Back by popular demand:
• Best Self Atlanta’s Healthy Living Expo, where you can win raffle prizes from health and beauty vendors and engage in other fun activities
• Music by The Rupert’s Orchestra
• T-shirt design contest
• Team and candid photos
• Corporate Can Contest benefiting the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Back on My Feet and the Atlanta Braves Foundation. The McCart Company is the reigning champion, winning the last three can collection contests.
2013 Healthy Company Award Winners:
• Kaiser Permanente Corporate Cups
• <100 – Meadows & Ohly, LLC
• 100-999 – Chick-fil-A
• 1000-4999 – Verizon
• 5000+ – Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
• Highest Number of Participants: Verizon
How do I sign up?
Visit www.kpcorporaterunwalk.com or
call (404) 843-8727. Follow the program on Facebook and Twitter.