What is a Mommy Makeover?

By Sheldon Lincenberg, MD

The physical effects of childbirth take a toll on a woman’s body. While many mothers work-out to lose pregnancy weight and hope to tighten up the stretched skin, there’s often only so much that weight loss and exercise can do. Many women are having Mommy Makeovers today and they are doing so at an earlier age – in their 30s and early 40s – because they want their body to look like it did before their first pregnancy.
What procedures are involved in a Mommy Makeover?
The Mommy Makeover consists of breast augmentation and abdominal shaping and tightening. The actual abdominal procedures would be either a full tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck of the abdomen or liposuction of the abdomen or other areas of the torso. Restoring youthfulness to your breasts may involve breast lift, breast enlargement, a combination of both, or even breast reduction.
Mommy Makeovers are very customized procedures based on your body’s needs. Be sure to be specific about your post-baby body goals during your consult so I can recommend the most appropriate procedures to meet those goals.
How do I know if the Mommy Makeover is for me?
Women coming for Mommy Makeovers cite a stretched-out tummy, a “muffin top,” sagging breasts and other body issues. These issues need help beyond what a healthy diet and exercise have been able to do.
When is the right time to have a Mommy Makeover?
You should wait at least six months after having your last child. If you plan to have more children, wait. Vertical muscles in the abdomen which are tightened during a tummy tuck can re-separate. Also, to optimize the final outcome, if you are trying to lose weight, do so before your Mommy Makeover.
Who’s a candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
The perfect candidate for a Mommy Makeover is someone who has finished having children and is currently pursuing her physical goals through diet and exercise. Sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough to transform the body into the shape it was in before the pregnancy. I’ve given hundreds of mothers the bodies they imagine, helping them achieve their body image goals. The perfect candidate for a mommy makeover will use this procedure to help her reach her self-image goal, but continue to exercise and eat well to maintain her new body.
Sheldon Lincenberg, MD, is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who trained at the prestigious Mayo Clinic. He has 27 years of experience helping patients achieve their facial and body plastic surgery goals using techniques that are proven to give the safest and longest-lasting results attainable.
Details: Sheldon Lincenberg, MD. One Glenlake Pkwy., Ste. 950., Sandy Springs; 770.730.8222. DrLincenberg.com