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Over 40 & Fabulous! Advisory Board Vein Health Expert: Dr. Louis Prevosti


VEINatlanta - Perfect Day PhotosThe secret to legs you love? According to Dr. Louis Prevosti of VEINatlanta it’s maintaining their health. Here, he offers advice on how to take care of them for years to come.

What signs/symptoms should people look for as it relates to vein disease?

One out of three women experience vein disease, yet many ignore their symptoms. Symptoms may include achy, heavy, swollen or tired legs. Changes in the skin can also occur, such as redness, discoloration, itchiness, and exceptional dryness, along with a burning sensation or numbness. In advanced cases, skin breakdown and ulceration can develop.

Is there anything people can do to limit their risk for developing common vein conditions?

Some risk factors are unavoidable, i.e., family history and female gender. However, the risk of developing vein disease can be lowered by avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, exercising, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight.

Why is it so important for working professionals to seek the care of a vein specialist? Many professions require prolonged sitting or standing, which can put individuals at a greater risk for developing vein disease. Vein disease is a progressive medical condition and can become worse if left untreated. A dedicated vein specialist can restore your legs, beginning with an accurate diagnosis and a customized treatment plan. Most treatments are covered by insurance. If you experience any symptoms, call VEINatlanta at 404-662-3407 or visit for your free screening today!

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