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Tramell Smith, 39, Founder of Victory Man and High School Track Coach

Tramell Smith, 39, Founder of Victory Man and High School Track Coach

Tramell Smith

Tramell Smith strives each day to be a beacon of hope in the lives of those he encounters. As a personal trainer and high school track coach, Tramell dedicates his time and efforts to encouraging others to believe in themselves and achieve more than they imagined. This drive led to the creation of his athleisure line, Victory Man, designed to inspire people to claim their life’s victories.

As a high school track coach, what are ways you try to uplift your athletes?

Having been where they are, a young athlete trying to juggle schoolwork, sports and social media, I give them a lot of grace by trying to validate and understand them while I also hold them accountable to our high standards.

How would you define success?

When the whole team wins. When a man has been taught to fish instead of given a fish. When an understanding of how to be better is reached. When I get a phone call from a former athlete in the real world thanking me for a lesson I taught them that I didn’t even know I was teaching. That is success to me.

What are some organizations/ways you like to give back to the community?

I teach complimentary fitness classes for my church staff and fellow members. I am also heavily involved in our high school booster program. Each year, we raise money to equip, outfit and allow student athletes to participate in sports by easing their financial burden.

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