9 Tips for A Safe & Spooky Halloween

With Halloween right around the corner, ghosts and ghouls will soon be among us! And like everything else in 2020, Halloween is going to look a little bit different this year, but that doesn’t mean that you and your family have to forgo the holiday fun.
How can we celebrate safely, keeping our families, friends, and neighbors safe from community spread of COVID-19, which is so important to everyone’s health and well-being? Based on the CDC guidelines, Wellstar Health System offers nine tips for a healthy Halloween celebration. Simply think “GHOSTS.”
G GRAB-N-GO treats:
Putting out a bowl for all the neighbors’ kids to dig their hands in is not advised, since children can carry the virus and share it widely with others this way. Lining candies up along the driveway or along a fence “Grab-n-Go” style means kids can pick up a treat while minimizing viral spread. Get creative and think about safety!
H HAVE FUN with costumes and celebrate HEALTHCARE HEROES:
Masks are highly recommended to help minimize the spread of the virus, so have fun with incorporating them into costumes. Let kids use fabric paint, glued-on sequins, or stickers to decorate a mask to match. Kids two and older are advised to wear a mask. Even better – suggest that kids dress up as a “Healthcare Hero” – a doctor, nurse, or first responder, for example – to honor all the work of frontline caregivers during the pandemic. Share photos on social media with the hashtag #HalloweenHealthcareHero.
O OUTSIDE is the best place to celebrate:
Weather and health permitting, being outside can promote air flow and help minimize close contact with others. If you have people coming to your home for Halloween, consider sitting outside while kids “Grab-n-Go” treats you have spaced out for them. For those celebrating, just because you are outdoors does not mean you should relax mask-wearing, short interaction times, and social distancing.
S SANITIZE often and well:
Just like the Wellstar Safety Kid Rap says, “Don’t forget to keep it clean and sanitize.” Take wipes and sanitizer to use frequently while trick-or-treating with kids and guide them on the safety measures that will help keep everyone COVID-free. If kids are visiting your home for “Grab-n-Go” treats, keep your hand sanitizer handy, too.
T TECHNOLOGY can help connect:
If you have a household with immuno-compromised members, think about a Zoom pumpkin-carving contest, costume fashion show, or online mask-decorating party. There are so many ways that video conferencing solutions can help people connect and have fun, while staying safe.
S STAY AT HOME if you don’t feel well or if you have been exposed to COVID:
We want everyone to have fun this Halloween, but we also want everyone to stay safe and well, and stop the spread of COVID-19. If you feel unwell, use technology to connect with friends, family, and neighbors, but stay home so you can get better and not contribute to the community spread of the virus. The sooner we can stop the spread, the sooner we will be able to safely gather and celebrate holidays.
No matter how you choose to celebrate Halloween and the autumn season with fun activities during the pandemic, be sure and refer to the CDC Guidelines for specific guidance on how to stay safe and well.
Additional Tips to Safely Celebrate Día De Los Muertos

Masks are highly recommended to help minimize the spread of the virus for everyone age two and older, so have fun with incorporating them in Catrina costumes and make-up. Use fabric paint, glued-on sequins, or stickers to decorate masks. Alternatively, buy a printed Catrina mask and do your make-up to match. Share photos on social media with the hashtag #celebraciónsegura.
Outside is the best place to celebrate: Weather and health permitting, being outside to celebrate Día de los Muertos can promote air flow and help minimize close contact with others. For parades and visits to gravesites, wear a mask and stay at least 2 meters apart from people who do not live with you.
One of the ways that COVID-19 can easily spread at gatherings is through sharing food and utensils. Gatherings – especially where masks cannot be worn and where people cannot social distance – are not recommended during a pandemic, because the virus spreads easily at events. If you do choose to get together with a few close friends and family members, take measures to make it a safe celebration by bringing your own meal and utensils to limit sharing. A buffet-style meal is *not* a good idea during the pandemic. Space your tables and chairs out, possibly outside or in a large space, if possible, to limit spread of the disease, and wear a mask when you are not eating.
This content has been brought to you by Wellstar Health System. Wellstar.org