Su Longman – 2020 Over 40 & Fabulous Top 10 Winner

Focused, determined, goal-getter—these are all words to describe Su Longman. With a heart of gold at the golden age of 60, this serial entrepreneur is dedicated not only to herself and her business, but to speaking out for those without a voice.
What do you think has contributed most to your success in life? Being a first generation Korean-American immigrant with the combined strength and mentalities of both countries has been the most profound contributing factor to my success in life. America is like a blank canvas to me on which I have been able to draw up my aspirations and dreams, and my inherent work ethic enabled me to realize the full picture on that canvas.
How has your perception of this age changed since you were younger? Did your parents look and act at 40 the way you do? I am not as old as I thought I would be at this age, haha. Fortunately, both of my parents always had enviable health and vitality, which I am glad I inherited. My mother still runs around in 4” high-heels and dresses to the nines in her Chanel with beautifully done make-up. Come to think of it, I do not think I have ever seen my mother without her being completely put together.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community? I have chaired several charity fundraisers such as Meals on Wheels for Senior Citizens, the Ballet Ball, NBAF+Fashion and nsoro Gala. In addition, I actively participate in events for Humane Society and make donations to numerous organizations such as the High Museum, the Opera Ball, the Swan House Ball, Bow-Wow Brunch, Wounded Warriors, Project Open Hand and CHOA. In May, I also bought 500 meals for our front-line workers from
Heirloom BBQ to show them our appreciation.
What is your favorite quote? If A is a success in life, then A=X+Y+Z…, X is work, Y is play, and Z is keeping your mouth shut. I am still working on the Y and the Z.
Name something on your bucket list. It is funny how I do not have a bucket list; I have been fortunate to live the life I want to live, go to places I want to go to and somehow make the world fit me rather than me trying to fit into the world. I guess if I must state something on my bucket list, it would be that I will have no regrets at the end of the day. I want to be able to say, “I lived hard, I worked hard, and I loved hard!”
How would your friends and family describe you? Fearless, strong, independent, loyal, outspoken and stubborn.