Your Medical Male Enhancement Questions Answered

Your Body. Your Life. Make the Most of It.
Safe, Permanent, minimally invasive medical male enhancement for today’s modern man.
Male Enhancement Specialist Dr. Farhan Malik answers your questions about penile enlargement.
Q: Is the Prometheus penile enlargement treatment safe?
Prometheus is a nonsurgical, permanent treatment performed in-office without the need for sutures, stitches or general anesthesia. After a numbing cream is applied to the penis, a patented filler with FDA-approved components is injected 1mm under the skin of the penis. Men spend a total of two hours in the clinic, and the GAINS are permanent. No need for maintenance of any kind, and best of all, you can drive yourself home and back to work the next day—although you do have to withhold from sex for about four weeks.
Q: What are the side effects?
Patients may see minor bruising around the injection site for a few days.
Q: How much does it cost?
The price for the treatment starts at $7,000 and goes up depending on the client’s size goals.
Q: How large is the size increase?
Depending on the option chosen, patients can expect a 35% to 150% increase in overall volume. Both erect and flaccid sizes are significantly improved for bulletproof sexual confidence.
Q: How is Prometheus different from other penile enlargement treatments?
When it comes to male enhancement, there are various options men can choose from, but most involve techniques like skin grafting, ligament cutting or silicone implants that require major surgery. Other injectable filler options like Juvéderm fade over time and must be redone every 6-12 months. With Prometheus, by Dr. Malik, the unique, FDA-approved filler stimulates your natural collagen type-2 production, which allows for the growth of new blood vessels, nerves and other tissues and results in significantly increased girth and length. Collagen type-2 is similar in feel to the top of the ear. This is why the result is a larger penis that looks, feels and functions like a healthy erection except far more impressive.
Senior Medical Director Dr. Farhan Malik is one of the most sought-after male enhancement doctors in the U.S. He is an expert in regenerative sexual medicine and specializes in nonsurgical cosmetic penile enlargement. He is double board-certified and is partnered with industry leading Dr. Victor Loria (Miami Office). He is a member of the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the American Sexual Health Association. Call today or visit the website to schedule a private, complimentary phone consultation.
8460 Holcomb Bridge, Alpharetta, 888.365.1333