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How to Find the Right Trainer for You

How to Find the Right Trainer for You

No matter what stage of life you’re in, embarking on a fitness journey can be both exciting and daunting. But, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make along the way is choosing the right personal trainer for you. Whether you’re

Personal Trainer Fred Spring, With a Client

starting from scratch or building on your existing routine, the perfect trainer can provide the expertise, motivation and personalized guidance to help you achieve your goals.

However, with so many trainers to choose from, finding the one that best fits with your lifestyle can be challenging. So, we spoke with several local fitness and nutrition experts to guide you through the essential steps of finding the right trainer for you.

Identify Your Fitness Goals

The first step in any fitness journey should be setting clear and specific goals. Whether it be weight loss, holistic health, muscle gain or some sort of specialized training, it’s important that whatever trainer you choose has the proper background to get you there. “If you don’t yet have realistic goals, that’s ok!” shares Madison Pollak, group and personal fitness trainer at The Refinery, “Just have that conversation with your trainer and see if they’re able to guide you in that direction.”

Get Personal

Now that you’ve narrowed down your desired fitness result, it’s time to consider your nonnegotiables. You should always vet prospective trainers as you would vet a potential romantic partner in order to find a compatible match.

“Sometimes your training becomes a therapy session,” Pollak explains, “You’re talking about your life, your struggles, things you might be uncomfortable sharing with friends. So if you’re not open to having those tough conversations with your trainer, they’re probably not the right trainer for you.” Fred Spring, founder of Fred-X, suggests looking for a trainer with similar life experiences
and age.

Some questions you can ask potential trainers are:

• What is your training style?

• How do you deliver coaching tips?

• How do you customize workout plans for individual clients?

• What recent certifications have you acquired?

• What makes you unique as a coach?

This is the ideal time to voice any injuries or medical conditions you might have. Anna Nettles, an online personal trainer and small group coach, urges you to consider training styles. “Do you feel most motivated when you’re met with a challenge or compassion? Do you like being pushed or encouraged? Do you prefer to be directed or given autonomy? There isn’t a right or wrong answer, but these topics will help inform your choice for a trainer,” she says.

Nettles also believes in broadening your search beyond your geographic location to virtual personal trainers. “You can find trainers who are more niche and might understand your lived experience better when you open your search,” she notes. “Trainers who work with women in midlife, folks who are in different stages of pregnancy, etc. might be right beyond your backyard.”

Try Before You Buy

As someone well-versed in customizing fitness programs, Spring strongly advocates for demo workouts. “Don’t settle for just anyone. Carefully test-drive a trainer like you would test-drive a high-performance car before purchasing. And ask yourself, is this trainer someone you can trust?” he says.
“By finding the right trainer, you will finally find joy and success in achieving your fitness goals.”,, 

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