Faven Ressom

Faven Ressom, 41, considers herself to be a ‘serial entrepreneur.’ As a co-owner and operator of Whisky Mistress, Faved Events, The Heavens Production, and Fahabee, she has made an undeniable impact on Atlanta nightlife. As an immigrant from Ethiopia, Ressom ventured to the United States as a child. Her struggle assimilating to the US led her to focus her efforts on creating more inclusive environments for international women in order to build a stronger support system in navigating cultural differences.
Looking back at your journey with Whisky Mistress, Faved Events, The Heavens Production, and Fahabee, what is one thing you would have done differently?
I would have taken the plunge sooner. I was always scared to take risks and wasted a lot of valuable time trying to ensure that all of my ventures would succeed.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community?
My favorite way to give back has always been physically being there to lend a hand. I’ve made countless monetary contributions to organizations, but having the opportunity to actually interact with people in need, listen to their stories, and brighten their days is what is most important to me. Children and immigrants hold a special place in my heart, and for years, I have worked with organizations such as Open Hand, City of Refuge, Covenant House, and Friends of Refugees to give back to these communities in any way I can. Once a month, my Whisky Mistress partners and I actually go to downtown Atlanta to feed the homeless. Aside from immigration-related charity work, I also love to honor my mother’s battle with pancreatic cancer by supporting the Listgarten Foundation.
What do you love most about being over 40?
It’s the most comfortable I’ve ever been in my life, and with myself! I feel good, look good, and I’m committed to doing good in my community.
What do you think is the secret to aging gracefully?
The secret to aging gracefully is loving the skin you’re in and loving life. Take care of your mind, body, and soul. Jennifer Lopez represents my idea of aging gracefully; she looks better today than she did 20 years ago.