Mom Blogger Dayna Bolden Talks Parenting Pressures

by Wyndi Kappes, Family Photo by Andrea Ibeanusi
When Dayna Bolden quit her corporate job in 2017, she cried. Uncertain of the future, the busy mom of two was excited but nervous to see how her gamble on becoming a full-time blogger and influencer would turn out. Her leap of faith has been fruitful, as four years later, she has continued to support and inspire women through her blog, books and, most recently, a lifestyle fitness brand. Outside of growing her brand, she remains intentional about setting boundaries and cultivating relationships with her children, Aria and Bryce.

Q: Does being a blogger/influencer give you more time to spend with your family?
Dayna Bolden: The amount of time you spend with your family is solely up to you and the boundaries you create. I don’t think the job you hold has a significant part to play in it unless you’re an astronaut. I leave evenings and weekends reserved for my family and spending time with loved ones. I make sure to disconnect during those times so that I can be fully present in the moment. My family and I get to continue to build beautiful memories.
Q: As a mom in the busy world of social media, there’s surely a lot of pressure to maintain the appearance of the perfect Instagram family. What’s your advice in terms of putting the phone down and instead savoring that one-on-one time with your family?
DB: Remember that you will not get these moments back. We all talk about how fast time flies and how quickly our little ones grow up, and that couldn’t be more true if you don’t spend time with them. My advice to moms is to prioritize your family just like you prioritize your business.
Q: What can you tell us about “Super Cool Aria,” the platform and book you helped your 7-year-old daughter write and promote?
DB: “Zoey the Unicorn Can Do It” is my daughter Aria’s first bestselling children’s book. Aria loves to encourage her friends to believe in their passions and love themselves. She has been obsessed with reading and writing since a very young age, so I figured she would be on board to write a book, but I didn’t want her doing anything her heart wasn’t into. I believe in authenticity in everything you do, and that includes new ventures for your children. My advice to parents is to instill a personal desire for success in your children and you’ll see them do incredible things.
Q: What’s the most challenging part of parenting for you?
DB: Feeling like I’m not doing enough or spending enough time with them. I have to remind myself that I am doing the best that I can as a parent and providing the framework for a beautiful life for my children.
Dayna’s tips for overwhelmed moms chasing after their dreams
Hire help if you can!
Create a realistic schedule and hold yourself to it.
Always make time for yourself.
Remember your “why.”
Give yourself grace.