What’s the Best Age to Start Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Often, you’ll hear the benefits of hormone replacement therapy are best for patients that begin treatment at a particular stage of life. For women, it’s when estrogen levels decline, which is called peri-menopause, and for men, it’s when testosterone levels are no longer optimal, usually in the late 40s and early 50s. But if you missed that window, it begs the question, are you now too old to start? Dr. Paul Cox reassures patients that, no, you’re never too old and shares his insight on the benefits that HRT can provide at any age.
Q: What are the benefits of starting HRT in the early stages of menopause?
In women, if we can initiate therapy within five years of menopause or before age 60, you’re getting the most benefits, according to scientific evidence. These benefits include decreased incidence of osteoporosis, delayed progression of heart disease and improved cognition. There are also cosmetic benefits, like improved skin texture due to increased collagen production. Testosterone keeps women strong by increasing lean muscle mass and strengthening their bones. It also improves libido.
Q: What’s the truth about starting HRT later?
There are many quality-of-life benefits to starting HRT at any time, especially for women who have persistent hot flashes and night sweats or who have vaginal and pelvic floor muscle atrophy that leads to painful intercourse and urinary incontinence. It also may increase bone density, increase lean muscle mass, help sleep and increase energy levels. So, earlier is better, but there is never a time that is “too late” in most cases.
Q: How can I get the maximum benefits out of HRT at any age?
Eat a healthy, low-carb diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, stay intellectually curious, have fun and minimize alcohol intake. HRT is a part of an overall healthier way of living. It’s interesting to see that HRT is sometimes a jumpstart that a patient needs to get back to a healthier lifestyle.
Q: How will I know if HRT is right for me?
It is essential to work with a physician who is an expert in HRT. They will educate you about what you can expect, your options for treatment and will work with you to achieve your goals.
Board-certified in anti-aging and family medicine, Paul E. Cox, M.D., MS, is an expert at turning back time. Firmly rooted in a scientific approach,Vital Living Healthcare focuses on early detection, prevention and innovative treatments to reverse age-related decline. By using state-of-the-art techniques and focusing on all aspects of your health, Dr. Cox can create a personalized plan for maintaining or reclaiming your health and vitality. Schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Cox today.
Paul E. Cox, M.D., MS. 404.843.3636 • www.vitallivinghealthcare.com