Balancing Out Menopause with Hormone Replacement Therapy

By: Paul E. Cox, MD, MS
• Mood swings (irritability, anger, sadness)
• Fatigue/lack of energy
• Chronic hot flashes
• Weight gain
• Low libido
• Trouble sleeping
• Thinning hair
Do you relate to these symptoms? Are you a woman in her early- to mid-40s? These could be signs that you’re experiencing early menopause, which occurs in approximately 5% of women. Menopause is the natural process that occurs when the body stops producing reproductive hormones. However, this process typically doesn’t start until your 50s.
Many women who experience these symptoms at an earlier age know that something is off and often pay a visit to their doctor for some answers. Unfortunately, in many cases, their symptoms are dismissed or incorrectly treated with medications like Zoloft or sleeping pills because of their age. They feel like they are going crazy. But what they really need is to have their hormones checked!
When the body starts losing its hormones, it’s like trying to run a race car on pump gas. It’s just not efficient. But with hormone replacement therapy at Vital Living Healthcare, Dr. Cox and his team of hormone experts can get your body back to running at top speed. Using bio-identical hormones (natural hormones that your body metabolizes the same way it does your own hormones), your body can return to its natural hormone balance and relief you of many of the side effects of menopause.
If you struggle with symptoms that negatively affect your quality of life, make tomorrow a new day. Call us at Vital Living Healthcare and schedule your complimentary meet and greet with Dr. Cox and Jordan Carney today. Your life is waiting for you.

Board-certified in anti-aging and family medicine, Paul E. Cox, MD, MS, is an expert at turning back time. Firmly rooted in a scientific approach, Vital Living Healthcare focuses on early detection, prevention, and innovative treatments to reverse age-related decline. By using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, along with focusing on all aspects of your health (mind, body, spirit, and surroundings), Dr. Cox will create a comprehensive and personalized design for maintaining or reclaiming your health and vitality. Experience the healthcare you deserve and schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Cox today.
Details: Paul E. Cox, MD, MS • • 404.843.3636