10 Tips for Making—And Keeping—Your Fitness Resolutions

By Claire Ruhlin
With a new year comes new goals, particularly when it comes to fitness and health. It can be exciting to adopt a new routine in January—but how do you keep the momentum going all year long? Here, Atlanta fitness experts and instructors share their tips for making (and keeping) sustainable fitness goals in 2023.

1. Find What You Love
“I truly believe that the key for sustainable fitness resolutions is finding what you love! Create a space in your home or find a studio with a design that you actually look forward to stepping in. Ask yourself not only how do you want to look but how do you want to feel? Experiment, play, research and find what works for you physically and mentally.”—Lily Collins, Owner
The Daily Pilates in Inman Park and Buckhead
www.thedailypilates.com, @thedailypilates, @lilydawson
2. Set Mini Targets

“We all want quick results, so we tend to create New Year’s fitness resolutions with more intensity than we can handle over the long haul. Breaking these larger goals into mini targets will help us stay consistent and positive. Once we reach our first objective, it fuels our confidence and maintains momentum. Moving your body in any type of fitness is a decent goal and a perfect way to set yourself into motion.”—Amy Selig, Owner, Founder, Buyer and Instructor
Stellar Bodies in Buckhead and West Midtown
www.stellarbodiesatl.com, @stellarbodiesatl

3. Focus on The Positives
“Create a lifestyle mindset that focuses on what you’re getting by committing to your New Year’s resolution rather than what you are giving up. Think about how you’re getting healthier, more energy, more confidence, more compliments…the list could go on and on! We often look at our resolutions and think about what we ‘can’t do, can’t eat…’ rather than deciding to make a true lifestyle change.”—Dina Blair, Athletic Director
Concourse Athletic Club in Sandy Springs
www.concourseclub.com, @concourseathleticclub
4. Just Start

“Just start! As easy as that sounds, it’s the most challenging part for all. There is always an excuse or reason to put off a workout, but then that turns into regret. Whatever your goals are, you just have to take the first step toward them. Once you find a studio that fits your needs, commit! Ask a person to hold you accountable and track your progress. Seeing results keeps you moving. Remember, just START!” —The TURN Studio Team
TURN Studio in Sandy Springs

5. Keep It Consistent
“It is all about consistency! Start with one small addition and build from there. It can be as simple as, ‘I will walk for 10 minutes after dinner’ or ‘I commit to doing 10 air squats and 10 counter push-ups before I sit down for a meal.’ It is easy to progress to more activity, but it is a bummer to get injured when we start too fast with too much. Aim for sustainable movement!” —Dr. Katelyn Raymond, DPT and Director of Movement
STAT Wellness in West Midtown and Roswell
www.statwellness.com, @statwellness
6. Keep It Simple

“Determine what result you’re aiming toward and break it down into one action—make it the smallest, simplest version of the action. For example, instead of saying ‘I’m going to meditate an hour every day,’ start with just one minute, and before long, that minute will feel too short.” —Katie Nassiff, CPT, RYT
Highland Yoga and Training Collective in Virginia Highland, Buckhead, Madison Yards, Decatur and Inman Park
www.highland-yoga.com, www.trainingcollective.com, @highlandyoga, @training_collective
7. Find Your Community
“One of our top tips for making and keeping attainable and sustainable fitness resolutions is to be a part of a supportive community. Our tribe here at Vibe Ride Grant Park embraces the space and holds each other accountable. The collective camaraderie and support helps everyone to show up and push toward their individual goals.” —Shawn Ware, Owner and Operator
Vibe Ride in Grant Park
www.theviberide.com/grant-park, @viberidegrantpark
8. Pencil It In
“Make an appointment for yourself in your calendar— with your pilates instructor, your neighbor to take
a walk or for a group class at the gym. Carve out a small part of every day to focus on yourself. Even 10-15 minutes is enough time to plan healthy meals, explore a new workout or stretch on the mat at home” —Jessica Loncar, Co-Owner
Stability Pilates and Physical Therapy in Sandy Springs
www.stabilityatlanta.com, @stabilityatl
9. Keep It Short
“Short, efficient, effective workouts should be your focus. Make the most of your time by doing both cardio and weights in every workout. Set realistic workout times. Be honest with yourself. Pick a time that works for your schedule and your body. Sustainable workouts stem from short- term attainable goals, with a long-term vision. —Jeff Toney, Owner and Creator
FIT9 in Buckhead
10. Prioritize Restoration
“If you’ve never made your health and strength a priority, now is the time to start! Set long-term realistic goals and commit. Restoration and healthy habits are a huge part of maintaining these goals in the long run. To fuel your workouts, make sure to incorporate lean protein, vegetables and nourishing grains into your diet. Restorative sleep and hydration are also key to feeling your best.”—Randi Gerson, Owner
HipFit Atlanta in Midtown