The New Age of Best Self Atlanta

In the wake of what seems like doom and gloom, there is a silver lining. And I think most of us know this. If we open our eyes, minds and hearts, and truly let ourselves embrace the possibilities, this is a special time for reflection, creation and reinvention. We have been given a “time out” and a chance to be “out with the old and in with the new.” That of course means different things to each of us personally, but today I will share what it means to Best Self and our amazing community.
First of all, we have been busy during the covid break. Our August/September Over 40 & Fabulous! issue debuts our newly redesigned magazine featuring a new look, new logo, new departments and an overall cleaner, more modern feel. I would like to shout out a special thank you to our art director, Dona Halliday, who gave us this fresh new look without changing who we are. In other words, she created a better version of Best Self!
We also have a brand new website (so brand new, we are still updating and adding to it) to appropriately represent where the Best Self brand is today and more importantly, where we are going.
While we will continue to bring you inspiring stories and the very best advice Atlanta experts have to offer on health, beauty, anti-aging, mindful living, learning, adventure, fitness, nutrition and more, the delivery of that information has shifted. Best Self is so much more than a magazine. It is a living, breathing community of like-minded individuals who drive the conversation and embody all things best self. Online engagement, community events, Live forums, video chats and an influencer portal are just some of the ways we will connect our community of Best Self enthusiasts and experts moving forward.
We are embracing this opportunity to strengthen our connections through new platforms. We already have a thriving community of followers and businesses, and our new website will serve as the “home base” for making those connections even more meaningful. So if you love Best Self and you strive to be the best version of yourself, Join our Community by clicking here!
Nothing could better represent an authentic “tribe/community” than our Over 40 & Fabulous! family. We are celebrating our 10th year of this special event which has been the catalyst for introducing women and men who have bonded, in many cases for life. They have become friends, mentors and support systems for each other and are the best ambassadors and advocates I could ever dream possible for Best Self. Congratulations to our Class of 2020, who are beautiful inside and out.
Sherri Adair, Founder