Eight Sun Safety Tips Every Parent Should Follow

by Wyndi Kappes
May 22, 2023

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.
- COVER UP: Wear Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) clothing with long sleeves, high necks, and long pants. Wear wide-brimmed hats and UV-blocking sunglasses to protect your eyes.
- AVOID THE SUN FROM 10 AM TO 4 PM. Play in the shade during these peak hours
- DAILY SPF. The best sunscreen is going to be the one that you and your family will use every day. Basic sunscreen features should include a minimum SPF of 30 and be both broad-spectrum and water-resistant. Use it liberally and apply as directed and often – every two hours or more if sweating or in the water.
- SHIELD YOUR LITTLE ONES. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that you keep infants under six months old out of the sun and avoid using sunscreen in those first few months. Use UPF clothing, hats, and sunglasses for protection from sun exposure. Check strollers for UPF covers and consider UPF car window shades.
- EXPOSURE THROUGH WINDOWS. Be aware of exposure through windows at home, work, and even in your car. Windows do not block the UVA rays, which contribute to skin cancer and aging. Use your minimum 30 SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen EVERY day, even when you will be indoors.
- NEVER USE TANNING BEDS. Just one use of a tanning bed raises the risk of skin cancer. It raises the risk of melanoma by 75% if used before the age of 35.
- EARLY DETECTION IS KEY. Teach your kids early on about the importance of getting to know their skin and becoming familiar with the spots on their skin. Have all suspicious or changing spots or lesions evaluated by a Dermatology Provider as soon as possible.
- ANNUAL FULL SKIN EXAM. Make Full Skin Exams a habit, like your annual physical and dentist checkups. Busy families often forget to schedule their annual Dermatology appointments. Pick a month and get all your annual appointments scheduled.
HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT SUN SAFETY OR SKIN CANCER PREVENTION? Atlanta’s premier Dermatology Providers are ready to answer any questions. For appointments, visit MetroDerm.org or call us at 404.257.9933.