Rhoda Hendrix, Blogger and Explorer

There are few things in life as ever-changing as the digital landscape and even less who can keep up with it. A full-time blogger and influencer for more than 15 years, Rhoda Hendrix has seen it all and continues to reinvent herself, continuously learning and changing. Rooted in Acworth, Rhoda’s journey is a testament to lifelong learning and community engagement. With each post, Rhoda not only recommends new restaurants or styles but also encourages others to seize the limitless opportunities available at any stage of life.
What are some things that you are passionate about?
I love the small town we live in, I love my family, my church and my dog, Daisy. I’ve joined the planning team at my church for ladies events and enjoy community events in our town as well. I dearly love to travel and see new places, too, and my husband and I are really focusing more on travel these days.
Who are your role models in their 60s and 70s?
I admire all of us over 60 (and particularly my blog and Instagram friends who are over 60 and do this for a living) who keep going and don’t let age get in the way. We have to keep moving and keep learning to stay current and not stale.
How does your routine look different today than it did when you were in your 20s?
I started exercising when I was 25 and haven’t ever stopped that, so I still try to stay active and move as much as I can. It’s harder now, there are more aches and pains, but I walk and go to the gym regularly to stay fit and active. I’d recommend that to anyone in their younger years. Start an exercise routine and stick with it! You won’t regret it.
What’s the greatest life lesson you’ve learned?
Never give up and know that you can reinvent yourself at 50, 60 or 70. I married the love of my life, Mark, at age 60. Best decision ever!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope to still be traveling and seeing the world and I hope to still be sharing life on my blog and inspiring others to live their best life into their 60s and 70s.