How PRP Can Help with Hair Restoration

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)
What is PRP?
PRP, which is short for platelet-rich plasma, treatment is a simple procedure performed in the office in about an hour or so.
The healing components of your blood are used to stimulate hair growth. By drawing your own blood and separating the components, we are able to isolate the platelet-rich plasma portion of your blood where growth factors and other naturally healing components are located. We take this platelet-rich plasma portion and inject it into your scalp in the areas where you are experiencing thinning or hair loss to stimulate the follicles in that area. “It is like sending your follicles to the gym for a workout,” Dr. Anderson explains.
Is the procedure safe, and how long do the results last?
While there is always a very small risk anytime you have an injection or the skin is broken, the risks are very low because it is your own plasma that we are utilizing so it is a very natural, holistic treatment option. Both men and women can benefit from PRP treatments whether you are hoping to avoid or delay a surgical restoration or have had a sur
gical restoration and maintenance is your goal. Hair loss is an ongoing issue that can never be cured, and it does require ongoing treatments to maintain the appearance of your hair. A favorite comparison is to that of dental decay – you will always have to brush your teeth, floss and have regular cleanings to maintain the health of your teeth. Hair is the same. While PRP treatments are effective; they do not provide indefinite change which is why we recommend creating a custom treatment plan with one of our surgeons to reach your specific goals.
How much can I expect to pay?
The price for a single PRP treatment is generally $600-$800. Because a single PRP hair restoration treatment will not create the best results for you, we recommend a package of six, which we offer for $2499. This saves you some money and, depending on the frequency you and your surgeon decide is best, could provide you with a full year of treatments.
Dr. Ken Anderson & Dr. Daniel Lee
Anderson Center for Hair
Ken Anderson, MD, FISHRS, is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has specialized exclusively in hair restoration for nearly 20 years, dedicating his career to helping men and women suffering from hair loss. He has been named a Castle Connolly Top Doctor for seven years in a row and has been recognized as one of the top 25 hair restoration surgeons in the world for three years in a row by Spex Hair.
After treating patients from all over the U.S. and 38 other countries, Dr. Anderson finds the best part of his work is when patients return overjoyed at how their hair restoration has transformed their lives for the better.
Daniel Lee, MD, FACS, is a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, and a tenured surgeon at Anderson Center for Hair. In addition to clinical practice, Dr. Lee has a knack for both the art and science of natural hair restoration. His outstanding reputation for compassionate care, genuine concern for his patient’s well-being and attention to detail serves him well when consulting with and treating patients.
Anderson Center for Hair, 404.256.4247,, 2710 Old Milton Pkwy., Ste. 170, Alpharetta, GA 30009
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