Pitter Kalpak-Goughnour – 2020 Over 40 & Fabulous! Top 10 Winner

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and photographer Pitter Kalpak-Goughnour sees it in everyone. At 50 years young, this single mother often donates her photography services to charitable causes.
What impact do you hope to leave on the world? To show people how beautiful they are no matter what. I would hope that I would leave behind a legacy of laughter, joy and confidence.
What person, thing, or event has influenced your life most? WOW this is hard, as I have many influential people in my life. However, my grandfather was one of the most influential. He gave me many of my first life experiences such as driving without a license (where I hit a mailbox), he helped me learn how to drive a stick shift, he took my brother and I across the USA for 30 days, he showed me what the world had to offer at a young age. You can’t put a value on that.
What is your favorite way to work out? I do not go to the gym. However, my camera weighs about 15lbs and that is a good enough workout for me. I also love riding my bike whenever I can and doing other fun outdoor activities.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community? I am especially fond of the Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance, as they were an integral part in helping one of my closest friends, who was diagnosed with late-stage 4 ovarian cancer. She was a fighter and appreciative of the support the team provided to her when we engaged with them to connect with other women who were survivors. She lived 1.5 years after being diagnosed. I remain connected with Doug Barron and this association, because of their support for so many women going through such a life-changing diagnosis.
I have given much of my services, time and support to many organizations throughout the years including: Open Hands, CHOA, Atlanta Ballet, Greene County Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Greene, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies, Works of HeART and First Call Pregnancy Centers.
What is your most embarrassing moment? When I was a junior in high school, my world history teacher, Coach, was discussing how we would need a visa to travel to certain countries. You can imagine my excitement to grab my wallet and whip out my dad’s Visa with my name on it. I raised it high and proud, waving it in the air, shouting, “I got one, I have one right here!”, thinking I was the coolest kid in class. Coach’s response, while shaking his head with laughter, “Kalpak, uh NOT that kind of VISA.”