#Over40andFabInspiration Week 3: Advice & Stories from Over 40 & Fabulous! Top 40

2020 Over 40 & Fabulous! Top 40 members share their stories of inspiration. See week one here and week two here.
Dr. Karin Luise
Dr. Karin Luise discusses what she learned about herself during quarantine.
If you are like me, you panicked at the beginning of lockdown. I was struck by the fear that I could lose my kids, parents, or my own life, and I spiraled. I was a swirl of tears, spray bottles, and ‘what ifs.’ As days passed, I knew I needed to shift.
I started doing yoga, meditating with my kids, and playing sound bowls nightly on Facebook. Thousands of people were tuning in. A shift was happening . . . and it was a choice.
The choice not to give into the low vibration of panic but to take our power back and rise to something higher: sacred connection to the divine, our inner beings, and to others.
I formed a diverse, virtual group called Power Over Panic, and for 9 weeks, I led people from all over the country in meditations, high vibe experiences, and deep conversations. Collectively, we shifted from the darkness into the Light, and it was life-changing.
I learned during quarantine that no matter what is happening ‘out there,’ I have the power within me—just like you—to create the life experience I want in every moment. And at this moment, I choose peace. I choose connection. And I choose to trust my own Inner Wisdom.
What are you choosing?
Su So-Longman
Su So-Longman gives her advice for women and men in their 20’s-30’s.
I would like to tell all women and men in their 20’s -30’s that it is OK NOT to have your life figured out, it is OK to be not so perfect, it is OK to lose yourself in the moment, it is OK to enjoy your youth and be vulnerable to changes. At the end of the day, your worries today will not be remembered tomorrow, and tomorrow’s worries may never come. So, be kind to yourself, make yourself whole before you get engulfed in other ambitions and goals because life is truly short and sweet.
David Aferiat
David Aferiat talks about his inspiration for getting up every morning and how his family crest outlines the values he and his family work to live by.
Amanda Hall
Amanda Hall shares how she defied the odds, defeated “imposter syndrome”, and now works to be her best self every day at her job.
Years ago, I was a stay at home mother and in a toxic marriage. I was told (and believed) that I wasn’t capable of going back to work as an attorney. After our divorce, I was offered a temporary “trial period” as an associate attorney at a national law firm—3 months, reduced salary, see if you can cut it. I honestly believed that I wouldn’t make it; I was petrified I would be discovered as a fraud and would fail. Well, I did it anyway. A month in, the firm offered me a permanent position and increased my salary. Shortly after that, I was promoted. Today, six years later, I work on the plaintiff’s side, helping folks that suffer life-changing injuries in car accidents and other traumatic accidents that are not their fault. It turns out that my “mom” skills actually help me in my job. I love meeting with my clients face-to-face and helping them. The caring and compassion I have as a mom is the exact same as I have with my clients, and many of my clients have become friends. The moral of the story is this: you can’t control what other people think of you. Sometimes you can’t even control your circumstances. However, regardless of what people think and regardless of what life throws at you, you have to go out into the world with your best self! The world needs you at your best so you can help others! Anyway, it took me far too long to realize that, so I hope you figure it out sooner!
Deidré Sample
Deidré Sample shares a poem she wrote and her six ways to become unstoppable.
I Choose
by Deidré Sample
This moment I choose to be happy.
I choose victory over defeat.
This moment, I choose growth over unevenness.
I choose stillness over haste.
I choose a life full of truth.
This moment, I choose acceptance and realism over denial and fantasy.
I am choosing to be my very best friend…
This moment, I choose to
A being so dear that the hairs are numbered.
Yes, I am choosing to love me.
Today. Right Now. This Moment. And Forever… I Choose Me!!