Onica “Nic” Blaize: Confident Human Capital Advisor and Children’s Champion

Onica “Nic” Blaize, 45, is a Lead Human Capital Advisor at the Centers for Disease Control. It was a dream she had as a young woman, and she considers it a blessing to be living it out as an adult. She’s been in the Atlanta area for 15 years, but no matter where she lives, she’s most comfortable in her own skin. She embraces each obstacle she’s faced in the past, knowing they’ve made her confident in who she is today—and that’s her very best self.
What is the best part of growing older?
I love the lasting relationships I’ve made as I’ve gotten older. We view life differently as we age and form connections that are impactful. These connections keep us grounded and, if we’re lucky, they bring joy to our lives.
What is the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome?
The death of my grandmother was hard. As a child I hardly ever slept in my room. I’d sneak into hers and listen to stories about her youth. She was my best friend, and then she was gone. You never realize how one person can impact you while alive and how much more they can change your life once they are gone.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community?
I helped start Dorothy’s House in 2015, a nonprofit to help children in foster care and orphanages around the world. Being able to provide things we take for granted and seeing how much it means to them is amazing. Our most recent trip to Guyana gave us an opportunity to meet each child and spend time with them. Sharing this mission with both of my daughters, the way my grandmother shared it with me, makes it all come full circle.
What is your favorite book and why?
Sidney Sheldon’s Master of the Game. This book covers everything from naivete, love, remorse, redemption and revenge to realizing that, in the end, all of the characters achieved wanting to be the master of the game, even if it was just for a moment.
What is your favorite way to work out and stay healthy?
I like working out at my own pace. I start off my day getting energized by using an energy powder from Beach Body and, depending on the day, I’ll ride my Peleton, go walking outside or simply do a few low-impact routines. This is huge for me because I always hated to work out, but once I realized that I could work out at my own pace, it was game changing.