Meet the 2021 Atlanta Beauty Tour Influencers

Meet the top beauty and wellness influencers who visited Atlanta’s aesthetic businesses and shared their experiences throughout the #AtlantaBeautyTour. Curious about these businesses and their experiences? Meet the Atlanta Beauty Tour Partners here.
Kristin Andree

Kristin Andree is chief strategist of The Andree Group; a consulting firm focused on developing creative business and lifestyle strategies. She is the host of “The RENEW Podcast” and the author of “Don’t Make Me Pull This Car Over: A Roadmap for the Working Mom” and “You’re Not for Everyone: But, You Can Be For Everyone.” @andreegroup
Liz Carlile

Liz Carlile is a TEDx speaker and host of the top parenting podcast Motherhood Unstressed. Every week, Liz interviews brilliant creators, mothers and bestselling authors with the intention of empowering and uplifting her audience of women all over the world to live lives with less stress and more purpose and joy. @motherhoodunstressed
Crystal Daniels

An authority for fashion, beauty and empowerment, Society of Harlow is an award-winning platform and lifestyle brand dedicated to inspiring women. Curated by influencer and entrepreneur Crystal Daniels, Society of Harlow chronicles Crystal’s adventures and varied passions, spanning from fashion to travel to entrepreneurship. @societyofharlow
Meera Diwan

Meera Diwan is a fashion blogger on a budget, always finding affordable pieces and sharing with her followers. A mom of two turned blogger and entrepreneur, she helps moms feel good about themselves and encourages them to practice self-love. She talks about all things beauty, fashion and more. @instylewithmeera
Bello Frasher

Bello Frasher is an IT engineer, actor, catalog model, influencer and global brand ambassador. Originally from Cameroon in West Africa, he now uses his platform to raise money to help empower and educate children in Africa. He loves fashion, acting and travel. @bellofrasher
Nyssa Green

Nyssa Green is an Emmy Award-winning makeup artist, TV presenter and owner of The Green Room Agency. Over the course of her 20+ year career, Nyssa has become a trusted industry expert and educator. Currently, she’s partnering with some of the country’s best beauty brands to produce Atlanta’s first “Makeup Crawl!” @nyssag
Stacie Haight Connerty

Stacie Haight Connerty is an on-air beauty and lifestyle expert, award-winning writer and was named Most Influential Southern Blogger by Circle of Moms. Stacie founded Bloom Digital to teach small businesses how to grow socially and she speaks frequently at conferences. She recently lost 170 pounds, which transformed the lives of her and her family. @stacieinatlanta
Jessica Hughes

Jessica Hughes is a mom, influencer, fitness enthusiast, self-proclaimed beauty nerd and travel fanatic who shares her passions on her blog Happily Hughes. She enjoys spending time with her kids, hiking with her dogs, working out, reading, and researching her next trip. She hopes to host a big fitness retreat, take an international trip, and maybe even write a book in the next year. @happilyhughes
Ethan King

Ethan King evolved from starving artist to serial entrepreneur and now mentors aspiring entrepreneurs. He is the founder of fraternity/sorority store stuff4GREEKS, Zeus’ Closet custom apparel shops and, most recently, 6 Pack Dads. Ethan was also the 2020 cover winner of Best Self Atlanta’s Over 40 & Fabulous! contest. @ethankingdotcom
Nova Kopp

Nova Kopp was Ms. Transcontinental Universe 2019 and is an avid mentor and philanthropist. A domestic violence survivor, she now works with domestic violence victims to help them succeed and thrive. She is also the director of training for AT&T and a life coach working to help people become their best selves. @novaokopp
Robin LaMonte

Robin LaMonte is an award-winning Atlanta interior designer who also loves to share fashion, lifestyle, beauty and wellness, and her travels on her blog Hello I’m 50ish, as well as her social media platforms. Creator of the magazine Influencers of Midlife, she believes that all midlife women should be living their best lives now! @robinlamonte
Sarah Lampley

Sarah Lampley started her lifestyle blog to keep family and friends up to date when she and her husband left Florida for Atlanta. Since then, she’s created a space that has connected her to women all over the globe. She shares stories of motherhood, self-care and more, and is inspired by her everyday experiences with her husband and their three boys. @sarahlampley
Saj Mack

Saj Mack is a lifestyle and beauty blogger sharing how to embrace a life of self-care that expands beyond a face mask. When not creating content, you can find Saj on set as a professional makeup artist in the film and TV industry. You can keep up with Saj and her family on her blog, …with Saj. @withsaj
Lynne McDonald

Lynne McDonald is an award-winning artist with a unique process of “artistic alchemy.” She creates dynamic abstract paintings that can be found in collectors’ homes all over the world. Lynne was also the Best Self Atlanta Over 40 & Fabulous! cover winner in 2018. She has Type 1 diabetes and advocates for children with diabetes. @lynnemcdonaldsgallery
Carly Milyo

Carly Milyo is a proud wife and stay-at-home mom of two who is passionate about nurturing her family through natural solutions. With over a decade of yoga teaching on her résumé, Carly inspires others to live yoga off the mat through nontoxic living (and thinking), clean beauty and self-care. @callingoncarly
Chelsea Patricia

Chelsea Patricia is a commercial photographer with her own photography company and social media management agency that offers all-inclusive content creation and social platform management for businesses. As a lover of all things food, fitness, fashion and travel, she shares her adventures on her blog, Chelissima. @chelseapatricia
Elle Ross

Elle Ross is the bestselling author of “The Blueprint” and “The Habit Reset” and is a branding and marketing coach with a passion for all things fitness, nutrition and wellness. Founder of B-FIT with Elle & The Brand Trainers, Elle has transformed her life and loves helping others through personal training, online fitness and nutrition coaching. @theelleross
Rhiannon Tzimenatos

Rhiannon Tzimenatos is the owner of Lightyear Funding, RhiFit Personal Training and founder of PHunkFit Atlanta, a dance cardio class. A 2020 Over 40 & Fabulous! Top Ten winner, she loves all things related to health, fitness and beauty, and believes that true beauty comes from inside. @rhi.tzimenatos
Kim Vaughn

Kim Vaughn is a professional model, image consultant and stylist. A past Over 40 & Fabulous! cover winner, fashion and advocacy have been her lifelong passions and have led to her present online outreach to her followers. Kim has served as a national spokesperson and a board member for the Sjögren’s Foundation and has co-hosted its fundraiser for 11 years. @kvstyle