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ATL Market Highlights Local, Woman-owned Vendors

ATL Market Highlights Local, Woman-owned Vendors

Woman holding gift basket she sells at her local market.

Walking through her sprawling Buckhead store, which began as a vegetable stand, you’re likely to find Kim Wilson stocking the latest treats from area bakers or putting together thoughtful gift baskets with bubble baths and mugs for local teachers. She often has a smile on her face, bounding from one customer to the next. But it hasn’t always been as easy as Wilson makes it look. “Starting a business is such work. I had to look past the daily obstacles and be persistent to reach my goals. It’s taken me 10-plus years to build my business—everything from my customer base to relationships with my vendors, it all takes time and perseverance,” she says. Knowing how much work goes into starting a business, Wilson is doing her part to pass it on. “We provide female entrepreneurs a platform to develop and showcase their brands. We currently support over 20 women-owned-and-created businesses that sell products at Lucy’s Market. I regularly meet with new vendors who want to test packaging and receive feedback from customers and who are looking to expand a product line. I want to support other women the way that I was supported when my business was beginning.”

What are some of the greatest business obstacles you had to overcome?
One of my most memorable challenges was balancing a job that required me to be up and out of the house before dawn. I would meet farmers at the market before my children woke up and then have them sit between crates of fresh produce as I drove them to school.

Another obstacle was trusting that success would come from all of my hard work. I had to trust my instincts when other people thought I was crazy.

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