George M. Skaroulis: Musician, Family Historian and 2021 Over 40 & Fab Fab 4
George M. Skaroulis is a 58-year-old musician who has called Atlanta home for nearly 30 years. When he isn’t busy tickling the ivories, he enjoys learning about his family’s Greek heritage.
What person, thing or event has influenced your life most?
My grandfather was most influential to me. He was a true Renaissance man — a restaurateur, photographer and painter. He lived with our family in his later years and taught me so many lessons.
What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?
Curating an exhibit called “Generations,” which featured historical family photos taken by my grandfather on my family’s island of Patmos, Greece. I composed and performed the accompanying music for the exhibition at a commemorative concert. The exhibit premiered at the Cultural Center in Patmos in 2000 and then ran in Atlanta at the Raymond Lawrence Gallery in 2001, where I performed.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community?
I have performed and shared my music for various charities, including the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and the American Cancer Society. I also created a program for Cancer Wellness at Piedmont called BeltLine Beauties, a walking tour of the Atlanta BeltLine with stops to capture portraits of cancer-thrivers and caregivers utilizing the trail’s colorful murals.
What do you think is the secret to aging gracefully?
Self-care including eating well but still diving into an occasional indulgence. Moisturize and hydrate daily. Stay positive and learn to be aware of how stress affects one’s body.
What is your favorite way to give back to your community?
I have performed and shared my music for various charities including The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, the Massage Therapy Foundation, American Friends for the Blind in Greece, the American Cancer Society, the Atlanta Festival of Trees, and many more.
I also have been a guest chef for the “Angels on Earth” benefit for the Thomas F. Chapman Family Cancer Wellness program at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital.
Additionally, I also created a program for Piedmont Cancer Wellness called Beltline Beauties – a walking tour of the Atlanta beltline with stops to capture portraits of cancer-thrivers and caregivers utilizing the colorful murals of the beltline.,
Meet the rest of the 2021 Over 40 & Fabulous! Top 10 and Fab 4 here.