We provide members with fun, trainer-guided, kickboxing-style workouts in a circuit format. That means our workouts begin whenever you show up. Because it’s all about YOU. Getting stronger. On YOUR time. View Details...
Atlanta Fitness Diva offers a very different fitness experience for the Atlanta woman. We offer expertise in a very warm environment where our community of trainers & clients create a place where YOUR goals are in focus. View Details...
Atlanta Track Club is a member-based organization centered around running that delivers world-class events, training programs and community outreach activities to the Metro Atlanta Area. We encourage both youth and adults to start and continue running regardless of ability or fitness level, and provide outlets for all athletes to continue to grow and compete. View Details...
Burn Boot Camp seeks to build confidence, happiness, and disciplines that transcend fitness into communities of mentally, emotionally, and physically strong women. Burn Boot Camp was started by husband and wife power couple Devan and Morgan Kline in 2012. Their love for helping families with their health and wellness ignited a movement built on purpose, passion, and community. View Details...
We believe that Pilates is the path to a fuller, more satisfying physical existence. We believe that being in control of your body helps you to be in control of your life. And best of all, we believe that you can start anytime. View Details...
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series is the ‘World’s Largest Running Series’ with more than 500,000 runners taking part in 28 destination events around the world. View Details...
Welcome to your club. Feel the difference when you walk through the doors of Concourse Athletic Club. Our friendly, dedicated staff greets you before you head off to our executive locker rooms. Get energized in one of the many studios or fitness classes, where you’ll be challenged and motivated by the best instructors in Atlanta. Unwind at one of our View Details...
DDP Yoga combines the very best of yoga, old-school calisthenics, sports rehabilitation therapy and dynamic resistance to create one of the most effective fitness plans in existence today. It allows anyone to: Get a kick-ass cardio workout, Increase flexibility, Strengthen core muscles, Experience almost no joint impact View Details...
The Diva Running Series is the most fun and glam women’s running series in the nation. This series is all about girl power. Get glam at one of our races while enjoying a great run in some of the country’s best vacation destinations. View Details...
At The Exercise Coach, our certified personal trainers want to help you lose weight, gain strength and get healthy today! Working out can feel complicated and confusing. Come experience the benefits of your own personal coach and scientifically customized workouts. View Details...