Day 12 of Healthy, Beautiful Skin – 3 Trusted Tools for Dealing with Adult Acne

By: Wyndi Kappes
Throughout high school, I always struggled with acne. I tried it all—Proactiv, topical treatments, antibiotics and more. The problem? None of them seemed to work that well. My only solace during my teenage years was that one day I would get older, conquer puberty, and be completely breakout free. Plot twist—I’m 25 and still dealing with the same annoying red bumps. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. I have grown older and wiser and while my skin may not be the porcelain picture of beauty I was hoping for, I have learned the tips and tricks of keeping my breakouts to a minimum. These are my three go-to’s for dealing with adult acne.
Moisturizer: As a person with overactive oily skin, this seemed like the opposite of what I was looking for. But after drying out my skin with acids time and time again, I found that a little Cetaphil is just what I need. Using it three to four times a week seems to do the trick. Plus, Cetaphil’s daily facial moisturizer has sunscreen to keep harmful rays at bay!
Stellar Spot Treatment: For the pesky big bumps that spring up, I love Aczone. I have also used Duac in the past and found it particularly effective. Both of these were prescribed by my dermatologist and are reasonably priced at CVS Pharmacy.
Clean makeup: Often despite my best efforts, I end up with a blemish or two, which means it’s makeup time. But the key to not winding up with five or six blemishes the next day is to purchase clean acne-fighting makeup. Worth the additional bucks ($28), I love Clinique’s Acne Solutions Liquid foundation.