Dancing: A Good Alternative to the Gym
Every year, millions of Americans try to get back in shape and head to the local gym. Let’s face it—most people join and may get started but don’t stay with it. Why is this? Boredom. Walking on a treadmill, using weights for the same sets of reps – it’s just not for everyone.
Spice up your fitness routine (and your life!) and head to the dance floor! Dancing is something you can do NOW, have fun with, and enjoy for the rest of your life.
Dancing is a fun, exhilarating and exciting way to step up your new fitness routine. It is also one of the more popular ways to achieve and maintain fitness. Dance studios are popping up everywhere, and you can dance alone or with a partner. Depending on what kind of dancing you’re doing, you can burn as many or more calories than riding a bike, walking on a treadmill, swimming, jogging, or lifting weights — anywhere from 200 to 400 calories in just half an hour. As with most good exercise, dancing offers health benefits such as improved strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and increased endurance. Additionally, it also offers social benefits such as improved self-confidence, a sense of well-being and belonging.
So how do you get started? Call a studio near you and see what programs they are offering. Check to see if there are any specials for newcomers to get you started. One of the most common objections is, “I don’t have a partner.” At Allure Dance Studio, you don’t need a partner to get started, and there are no contracts.
Many studios offer several types of dancing under one roof. Each style of dancing offers its own benefits. Invite friends to join you, perhaps on a regular basis. In no time at all, you will start feeling better about yourself, and begin to see wonderful results like a slimmer, more toned you!
Allure Dance Studio – Atlanta
2980 Cobb Parkway, Suite 104
Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 272-1331