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Ashley Wynne Boggs, Wellness Visionary

Ashley Wynne Boggs, Wellness Visionary

Ashley Wynne Boggs

A lifelong fitness enthusiast, Ashley Boggs started Bodysmart Integral Health over 25 years ago, with a mission to help people explore cleaner choices in what they apply topically or ingest to improve their longevity. She takes both her mentoring role inside and out of the boardroom seriously, believing the key to timeless beauty is not only looking good but building others up.

How do you integrate wellness into your daily life?
I’m constantly setting goals for myself on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. I aim to only get stronger, healthier and wiser by enhancing my intake of natural foods and supplements, maintaining my fitness routine with weights, running, spending time with family and friends doing healthy activities and only applying safe, clean-label products topically. By avoiding toxic people and products alone, we can achieve great things and reach our goals.

How do you help women in your circle be the most impactful in the community?
When I’m around women in my community in leadership, we often focus on how we can partner and work together to give back to the many needs of women and children right here in our own communities. The issues we face nationally can be seen in our backyards and together, we can be a light and a blessing to those in need, bringing us closer to action and results.

How do you maintain a positive outlook on life?
Balancing career, motherhood and fitness is challenging, but I stay energized by prioritizing key moments with my kids, keeping organized and nurturing a positive mindset despite life’s demands.

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