A Celebration of Womanhood

From makeup transformations to the ups and downs of being a mother, the 2018 April/May issue is a celebration of womanhood. On Feb. 21, we hosted our second “Amazing One-Hour Makeovers” event. This year, professional wardrobe and accessory stylists were on hand to add an extra layer of sparkle to the makeovers. And although each of the 13 lucky reader attendees walked into the Best Self Atlanta Studio already beautiful, after 60 minutes with the artists and stylists, they walked out even more radiant. It’s inspiring to see how a new look can truly reflect what’s on the inside. Meet this year’s professionals and see how they worked their magic on p.27.
Although being a mother in no way equates to fulfilling your female potential, for many, it is a role they cherish. In honor of Mother’s Day, we gathered insight and advice from Atlanta moms on how they handle the tougher aspects of parenting. Wading through child-rearing tips from well-meaning friends and family to brushing off mom shaming are just a few of the topics we tackle in “The Messiness of Motherhood” (p.53).
We also chatted with another mom, Jennifer Webb, about her book “Mom’s Soul Café.” The author and meditation leader takes a hilarious and raw look at having what some call the toughest job in the world. In her “My Best Self” Q&A, Webb shares how mindfulness saved her sanity and how it can help you too.
Finally, we’re taking a fresh approach to our yearly breast cancer coverage. We’re breaking out of the October (and pink) mold with Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta. On p.39, learn more about why the organization has renamed its popular Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta Race for the Cure and where it’s focusing its efforts in the fight against breast cancer.
I hope this issue encourages you to lift up the women around you and take time for yourself.